B.E.S.T. Inline Water Filter (1/2"BSP Threaded fittings with mounting clips)

SKU: 322T
Weight: 0.8 kg
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The 'T' unit { T is for 1/2" Threaded and is for installation on internal pipe work} is a DIY Installation for a handyman. It can be installed inline, anywhere on a the internal plumbing AFTER THE PUMP. The unit is supplied with bare threads due to the numerous different pipes available for RV's. The filter is supplied standard with mounting brackets to support the unit.
- Reversible- if the flow reduces, simply reverse the unit, hook it back up and flush the dirt away.
- Compact- can be mounted in any direction, either vertically or horizontally.
- Removes Taste and Odour- Removes chemicals for approx. 5000 L - great tasting water.
- Kills Bacteria- Uses a full bed of SilverSafe® Silver coated crystals to kill harmful bacteria.
- Stops Parasites- Prevents Giardia, cryptosporidium from entering your drinking water.
- No set replacement times- Safe even after periods of non-use. No need to refrigerate. Replace your Inline only when it is used up.
- Sealed- no cartridges to replace
- Produces great tasting water for longer than domestic units - "...its the SilverSafe® that sets B.E.S.T. apart from the rest!" (Caravan and Motorhome magazine)
Please Note- Don’t confuse these with a silver impregnated carbon system designed for the domestic market. Although silver impregnated is marketed in the RV industry, they will still breed bacteria. ONLY B.E.S.T. has the SilverSafe®.
Optional Extra: Do you wish to have a separate tap for your drinking water? Using the 'Optional Extra' box above, add a 'Tap Connection Kit' to your order.
Tap Connection Kit consists of the following: A Chrome filter tap; 2 metres of 1/4" JG Tubing; Two of 1/4" JG elbow fittings; a Pressure Limiting Valve; and a JG Connection Tee. (JG = John Guest)