
Removing Forever Chemicals

What is PFAS?  Scientifically known as 'Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances', they are also called 'Forever Chemicals' and are part of a large chemical family of over 10,000 highly persistant, non-natural chemicals not found in nature. This includes chemicals like PFOA and PFOS. It has been found in a wide range of consumer products such as non-stick pans, cosmetics and many other sources. According to CHEMTrust, some PFAS strains have been connected to several health issues, and have been found in the blood and breastmilk of humans and wildlife alike. Luckily for Australians, PFAS will be banned from import, manufacture and use from July 1, 2025.  So what can we do about it? PFAS can be removed from your water...

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Why buy a B.E.S.T. instead of a cheaper filter?

We get a lot of comments on our social media asking why you should splurge on a B.E.S.T. when you can just get a cheap $30 filter from your nearest hardware store. There are a few different reasons for this but it mostly comes down to build quality, carbon quality, life, usability and the use of SilverSafe® technology. Most of this can't be seen at face value, but I would encourage you to ask, "Why is it only $30"? There are over 4,000 different carbons to choose from. The carbon used in a low-cost filter is the most basic coconut husk carbon, which is okay to be used on predictable water (such as chlorinated town water) and relies heavily on chlorine...

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Storage After the Holidays

Whether you're back from an Australia-wide road trip, the kids are back to school after the holidays, or you've just wrapped up cleaning your van post-Christmas travels, one crucial question remains: How do you store your B.E.S.T. Inline when it's not hitting the road?

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Tanks Full Or Empty?

Short answer: Keep them FULL. Long answer: Maintaining a full fresh water tank is recommended for several crucial reasons. Firstly, the idea of draining tanks to prevent water from becoming contaminated with bacteria is not foolproof. Even when drained, residual moisture tends to linger. Tank structures often incorporate reinforced ribs that can retain water, while pipework can have low points that trap moisture. The water pumps' diaphragms will also retain water, which is necessary to prevent the pump seal from drying out. So having said that, you will never dry the system out completely, leaving multiple areas for contamination to occur. Additionally, the hot water system within your RV invariably holds water. (Please refer to the footnote regarding the potential...

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Hire Motorhome Horror

If you are looking to hire a motorhome, you need to read this! Recently on a trip, I had just finished emptying my toilet cassette at the dump point as a hire motorhome pulled up. When I looked over, they had the drinking water hose (green garden hose) down inside the dump point and were trying to connect the other end to their grey water outlet! Apparently, this part wasn’t explained too well when they picked up the motorhome. While I was assisting one of the holidayers with the grey water, the other took the same drinking water hose and started filling the fresh water tank! I wonder how their holiday ended up? Not only theirs, but think about the...

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