Dual In/Out Pack #1 (Models 322T and 322H)

SKU: InOut-322H/322T
Weight: 1.15 kg
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This dual pack consists of two B.E.S.T. Inline Filters, to give you the best of both worlds.
The pack includes a 322H, which goes outside on your filling hose to treat the water before it gets into your vehicle and tanks (stops dirt and bacteria from building up in your tanks, pipework, pump and hot water system.); and a 322T, which goes internally after your pump to 'polish up' the water coming from your tanks to your drinking water point. There is also an optional 'Filter tap connection kit', if you would like a seperate tap on your sink-top for double-filtered water.
This B.E.S.T. Inline is fitted into your main hose line that you lay out at the caravan park, which eliminates the need for alterations in your vehicle's plumbing. DIY installation takes 2 minutes!
This B.E.S.T. Inline, model 322H (H is for on the Hose, in Plastic) is fitted with Plastic 'click on' hose fittings (compatible with other brands like Hohlman, Nylex, Neta, etc).
This allows your filter to be installed in the main hose line running to your RV, which is used to fill your tanks or for when directly connected to the water supply while camping.
Information on the B.E.S.T. INLINES for use on the hose:
This Inline is dual purpose - it can be used on your hose to fill your tanks and also when you are connected directly to mains water!
The B.E.S.T. Features
- CHEMICAL/DIRT REMOVAL (TASTE & ODOUR): Our 322HB B.E.S.T. Inline Water Filter contains a combination of quality carbons (chosen to suit Australian water conditions) to remove a broad spectrum of contaminants;
- DUAL MEMBRANES: 5 micron and 1 micron membranes are located at both ends of the B.E.S.T. Inlines to ensure fine filtration;
- "SilverSafe" TECHNOLOGY: Two full beds of "SilverSafe" are included to kill harmful bacteria and keep your B.E.S.T. Inline bacteria free during extended storage periods;
- LONG LIFE: Due to lack of bacteria within the B.E.S.T. Inlines, this means there is no reason for 'regular interval' replacement. The reason all other water filters recommend a replacement time period (ie. every 6 or 12 months) is that the bacteria levels can increase to an unhealthy level. With B.E.S.T., we have eliminated this problem, so you replace ours when the carbon's life has expired - not when the bacteria sets in!
- REVERSIBLE / BACK-FLUSHABLE: The inside of the B.E.S.T. Inline water filter is a mirror-reverse, allowing it to be back-flushed to eliminate the build-up of contaminants on the membrane.
- SEALED: No cartridges to replace
- COMPACT: Our filter was designed by us to be compact, portable and portable for the travelling community.
The 'T' unit { T is for 1/2" Threaded and is for installation on internal pipe work} is a DIY Installation for a handyman. It can be installed inline, anywhere on a the internal plumbing AFTER THE PUMP. The unit is supplied with bare threads due to the numerous different pipes available for RV's. The filter is supplied standard with mounting brackets to support the unit.
- Reversible- if the flow reduces, simply reverse the unit, hook it back up and flush the dirt away.
- Compact- can be mounted in any direction, either vertically or horizontally.
- Removes Taste and Odour- Removes chemicals for approx. 5000 L - great tasting water.
- Kills Bacteria- Uses a full bed of SilverSafe® Silver coated crystals to kill harmful bacteria.
- Stops Parasites- Prevents Giardia, cryptosporidium from entering your drinking water.
- No set replacement times- Safe even after periods of non-use. No need to refrigerate. Replace your Inline only when it is used up.
- Sealed- no cartridges to replace
- Produces great tasting water for longer than domestic units - "...its the SilverSafe® that sets B.E.S.T. apart from the rest!" (Caravan and Motorhome magazine)
Tap Connection Kit consists of the following: A Chrome filter tap; 2 metres of 1/4" JG Tubing; Two of 1/4" JG elbow fittings; a Pressure Limiting Valve; and a JG Connection Tee. (JG = John Guest)