Travellers helping travellers.
Let’s go back to before Facebook was born, remember when the only form of communication was by phone, fax or email?
I started a free service called Free Water Alerts, where, through the magic of Google and Yahoo, I was alerted to any news from the council issuing ‘boil water alerts’. I would then send an email out to those on our database, passing on word of the alerts.
This was a popular service because nothing would be worse than having just filled your tanks and then finding out the water was contaminated!
Then, Google changed its policies, and it wasn’t as easy to find this information. When that occurred, I had no free time to keep it going.
Now, we have re-launched the same program, just a little different. It still has a ‘No Advertising' policy (and always will).
That means that no business or brand can be promoted- including B.E.S.T. Water Filters. The way we are doing this is via social media. We have set up a Facebook page called Best Water Alerts, a closed page to stop spammers from invading the group.
It simply works like this: if you are in an area and you hear of a problem with the drinking water, just pop up a quick post on the page so all your fellow travellers can know about it, too! Best Water Alerts is all about travellers helping travellers. You can even post anonymously if you wish- be an undercover hero!
I started a free service called Free Water Alerts, where, through the magic of Google and Yahoo, I was alerted to any news from the council issuing ‘boil water alerts’. I would then send an email out to those on our database, passing on word of the alerts.
This was a popular service because nothing would be worse than having just filled your tanks and then finding out the water was contaminated!
Then, Google changed its policies, and it wasn’t as easy to find this information. When that occurred, I had no free time to keep it going.
Now, we have re-launched the same program, just a little different. It still has a ‘No Advertising' policy (and always will).
That means that no business or brand can be promoted- including B.E.S.T. Water Filters. The way we are doing this is via social media. We have set up a Facebook page called Best Water Alerts, a closed page to stop spammers from invading the group.
It simply works like this: if you are in an area and you hear of a problem with the drinking water, just pop up a quick post on the page so all your fellow travellers can know about it, too! Best Water Alerts is all about travellers helping travellers. You can even post anonymously if you wish- be an undercover hero!
Visit our Facebook page and answer the questions to join our friendly community.